Dark Arcanine Fanfiction Stories Wiki

Sven, labeled The Father Figure is a camper on Total Pokémon Revenge of the Island as a member of the Brave Bisharps.


Sven is an intelligent guy who is very inventive and creative. He can build things quickly to get out of basically any situation. He is a chivalrous gentleman and treats all females with respect. If he sees that a girl is in trouble, he will defend her to the best of his abilities. He is also very fatherly, and takes care of those younger than him. He loves food, and always seems to be hungry. He sometimes takes on things that are out of his range of his abilities, but he will never back down.

Total Pokémon Revenge of the Island[]


See also[]

Brave Bisharps teammates
Amethyst | Archie | Ashton | Aspen | Aylesha | Cyro | Nate | Otto | Raiden | Scarlett | Sven | Vladimir | Wave